The top web site loading speeds you will get in the USA, Canada or Latin America

Your website loading speed is surely a vital factor for your online profit, and we give you the opportunity for hosting your web sites with the best–connected data centers in US. The Colohouse data center is situated in downtown Chicago and it does supply total power redundancy and perfect network conditions. This way, it’s possible to guarantee the best web site loading speed for your visitors residing in the USA, Canada or Latin America. Also, this particular data center is currently hired by some of the largest telecommunications companies in the United States of America.

In the US based datacenter, you’ll be able to host any site you want – from personal pages and blogs to massive company web sites and high–traffic electronic stores. Depending on your specific demands, you can to pick out from quite a few Linux shared hosting packs, that are secured by a 99.9% uptime guarantee and a 24x7 technical support service. It is easy to select the US based datacenter on our order form.

Other US Hosting Services

Within our US based datacenter there is also a lot more than merely Linux shared hosting. For those who want a way more powerful US–based hosting solution, we have VPS servers, Linux semi-dedicated servers and Linux dedicated servers. Whichever US hosting solution you select, you are going to take advantage of a 99.9% network uptime guarantee plus a 24/7 tech support service.

The VPS Servers In The US are a fantastic alternative to Linux dedicated servers – they give you very similar processing power at a cheaper cost. The Semi-dedicated Servers In The US are a link among our Linux shared hosting and our Linux dedicated servers – they provide lots of power, yet don’t require any kind of server management tasks on your part. Our, the Dedicated Servers In The US are definitely the go–to solution when you’ve got a resource–demanding site.