PHP, which is a meta-acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, is among the most commonly used scripting languages out there. Any website or app built with PHP will run on a given server on the condition that a PHP module is enabled, which makes the language truly universal and it’s not unusual that there are actually a few million servers that support it and 100s of millions of PHP-powered sites hosted on them. PHP is preferred over HTML because it enables you to set up a responsive site with a plethora of different features. A PHP-based social networking site, for instance, will display different web content to each visitor despite the fact that the URL will remain unchanged. In contrast, HTML-based sites are static and the page content itself can be updated only manually. Like any other piece of software, PHP has different versions and the one that was used whilst developing a specific website must be available on the server in order for the site to work faultlessly.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Shared Hosting

We have made a conscious decision not to restrict our present and prospective customers from selecting what PHP version will be used by their websites, so if you order a shared hosting plan from us, you’ll be able to choose between versions 4, 5 and 7, not only for the hosting account itself, but also for each domain name that you host. This can be done with just one click of the mouse from our custom-developed Hepsia Control Panel via which all shared accounts are managed, so you won’t need to have any technical or coding expertise. You will be able to run sites built with both new and old scripts without a problem, so if you wish to swap your current web hosting supplier and migrate over to us, you can be certain that all the sites that you have created throughout the years will continue to work properly.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Semi-dedicated Servers

In case you have a site built on a previous version of PHP and you have committed time and efforts toward setting it up, fixing security breaches and posting content, you will need to find a web hosting service that can support it, since almost all hosting companies today support only the most recently introduced version of PHP and abandon the older versions. We, on the other hand, have decided to allow you to choose the exact version that your sites need. Our Linux semi-dedicated servers support PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8, which implies that you will be able to use both newer and older scripts without forfeiting any custom settings or wasting time and effort trying to make your sites compatible with the hosting platform. You can change the version from the Hepsia hosting Control Panel and such an update will affect the whole semi-dedicated account, but you’ll also have the ability to choose a different PHP version for each website hosted in your account using an .htaccess config file.