PhpPgAdmin is a powerful and feature-rich tool which is employed to control PostgreSQL databases. It gives you full control over any kind of database through user-friendly web interface, and as a result you will not need to employ a command line or the modest interface of the script application which uses a specific database. With phpPgAdmin, you are able to import & export databases using different formats - SQL, CSV, XML , etcetera, so you'll be able to migrate all of your database-driven websites from one provider to a different one with ease or one could just have a backup on your computer. In addition, you can create, delete or update individual cells or whole rows and tables from your database with a couple of clicks. The tool also gives you the option to grant different permissions to different database users, which means that you are able to manage the access that anybody else has.

phpPgAdmin in Shared Hosting

We provide phpPgAdmin with all our Linux shared hosting and you will be able to access it from the PostgreSQL part of your Hepsia Control Panel provided that you have created at least a single database. You'll see all your databases listed in alphabetical order in this section and on their right-hand side there is a compact phpPgAdmin button. When you click on the button for a given database, you will be logged in automatically in a separate tab of your Internet browser. In the event that you wish to log in manually, you can check out our direct phpPgAdmin login page and submit the database username and password. This option can also be used when another person, for example a web designer, needs to access a database in your account. In this way, your files and e-mails will stay protected because nobody can access them.

phpPgAdmin in Semi-dedicated Servers

You'll be able to create and take advantage of PostgreSQL databases with all Linux semi-dedicated servers that we supply and you can access phpPgAdmin and control any of them with just a couple of clicks. We've made the decision to supply the abovementioned handy tool with all our web hosting accounts as it includes numerous features with an intuitive interface. As soon as you set up a new PostgreSQL database through your hosting Control Panel, you will be able to click on the phpPgAdmin button that will show up on its right-hand side and you will be logged in automatically without doing any other thing. If you don't want to log in through your hosting account, you will also be able to control all of your PostgreSQL databases by typing in its login credentials on our phpPgAdmin login page. The latter option can be handy when you hire a web designer for a website and you want to keep your emails and all of the other content inside the account secret.