Free Dedicated IP

No-cost dedicated IP for your server

A dedicated IP address is provided free of charge with the semi-dedicated 2 plan. You’ll be able to put it to use from the second you gain access to the Online Control Panel. With a dedicated IP address, you will be able to increase the individuality of your web site, to rapidly setup an SSL certificate for your site, or even configure your individual name servers that will resolve to your personal IP address.

Plus, if at any moment you want an additional dedicated IP address, you can always have it at a promo rate right from your Online Control Panel.

Free Dedicated IP

24x7 Support

Write to us round–the–clock

You can contact us 24x7 with any concerns that you may have related to our Linux semi-dedicated servers. Do not hesitate to get in touch through email and via the ticket platform and we will post back to you in as much as an hour. In reality, our typical reply period is less than 20 minutes. On trading days, you might give us a call or use the live chatting support on our store.

24x7 Support

SSH Access

No cost SSH access for your machine

The semi-dedicated servers feature SSH access rights, which allows you to interact directly with the web server, without needing to use the Online Control Panel. You’ll be able to work with your files, databases, email and everything related to your sites. As you share the server with only a couple of other people, you’ll not have root privileges to alter the server’s configuration.

With the smaller bundle, SSH access privileges are included as an optional service, while with the bigger configuration it comes as a no cost add-on.

SSH Access

USA Data Center

A top-of-the-line USA data center

Our company is partnering with a state-of-the-art data center facility found in the heart of Chicago, Illinois. It provides all the conditions that we want to utilize our modified internal network with its specialized computer hardware parameters. The data center facility has a fantastic assistance crew at hand 24/7 keep an eye on the web server network and supply on time help in crucial conditions.

Also, it is important to note that the US based datacenter gives you fantastic network connectivity with the entire world. This ensures high web site loading speeds for all sites and web apps working on our US semi-dedicated servers.

USA Data Center

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Double protected semi-dedicated servers

By keeping software applications, emails and databases on a number of physical devices instead of just one, we’ve assured a whole lot more reliable web hosting area for your worldwide web presence. In addition, we have lowered the servers’ vulnerability to hacker/DoS issues that may easily take offline the whole server on a standard shared web hosting system.

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

  • Service guarantees

  • No installation fees and also a 99.9% uptime guarantee with each semi–dedicated machine. No–cost Control Panel with unrestricted hosted domain names.
  • Compare our prices

  • Take a look at rightcloud’s rates and pick the best semi–dedicated server for your thriving websites. Advance to a more advanced server configuration with just a mouse click.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • Get hold of us at any time by email or via the Control Panel included ticketing system. 1–hour reply time guarantee.